Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Business Survival at Bandung City

    Business campus college student agenda "Umar Usman" in the month of December 2014 one of which is the Business Survival. In order to improve the mental and nurture the soul survival that required by an entrepreneur. Each student  campus Umar Usman will be flown out of town and will be released during the second day in a different area each group, only with cash money amounting to Rp 200,000 and gadgets. should also be able to collect a minimum turnover of Rp 3,000,000.

This activity is held in the city of Bandung on 15 December 2014. The regulations specified is: 
1. Not allowed to stay in a hotel or contact relatives who live in the area of ​​Bandung.
2.  Each student is only allowed to bring cash money amounting to Rp 200,000 and gadgets. One group consisted of 12 people targeted to get the overall turnover of Rp 3,000,000 of proceeds trading/bargaining, also can use that capital collected from each member of the group Rp 200,000 / person.
3.Determined that the return time on 16 December 2014 at 18:00 pm. If you can not meet the target turnover of the group in question will be fined. And also if it passes the time specified for the return schedule will be fined.

    14 December 2014 at 18.00 we all get together and spend the night on campus for the preparation and briefing rules regarding activities. at 3:00 am we were all woken up to pray tahajud. Followed by recitations to wait for the dawn prayer time. After completion of the dawn prayer in congregation at 05:30 pm we went to Bandung by bus. Travelling around approximately 3 hours. We all were divided into 6 groups. The first group was sent down near Pasteur toll gate. The next group in the ITB. The third group was revealed in Suropati bridge. And the fourth group was a group of us unloaded in Gedung Sate.

When we first derived scurrying for the mosque, and the mosque is a mosque which is located nearby in the geology building. Close to the building satay and Gazibu field. In this mosque we pray Duha and also that we will use as a shelter for the night. After completing the Duha prayer around 09.30 we set up a strategy to trade. And the first activity that we do is repositioning. Buy merchandise from the original vendors then sell them to consumers in different places and at different rates, so that we can take the margin of the goods. Finally we decided to buy the sweet iced tea and iced orange for Rp 2,000 / cup as much as 10 cups. After getting the stuff we brought it to the field gasibu. This is where many people exercise that we perceive as the right segment. We apply this method repeatedly until well into the mid day prayer time, and turnover managed which we collect is Rp 186,000.

After the mid day prayer in congregation finished we decided to take a break at the mosque until 14:30. Our activities continue again after the Asr prayer at 16.00. we break the members of the group into 3 teams. The first team looking for a nearby market to shop for ingredients that are on the market and resold around the field gasibu, both repeat sate.tim building activities in the morning. And the third team offers services to restaurant and café as short-time worker / part time. Short stories in the afternoon and evening we managed to collect a turnover of Rp 36,000. because of rain in the afternoon and evening it also has drained our physical rest at 22:00 in the mosque.

The second day we start with the dawn prayer in congregation, after dawn we set back a strategy in order to successfully achieve the target turnover. Activities that we did on the second day a little different than the first day. The first and second teams are more likely to sell services in the restaurant and café. While the first team are responsible for transportation to Jakarta. At 07.00 we were split up according to the team and each job description. The first team to find info about the type bus, rute, price, and the scheduled departure time. The first place in the contact between the city is a travel agent, because the travel price is too high, the air first team over a Leuwi Panjang terminal. After getting the info and price negotiation agreement. Finally the first team back again in a meeting at Gefung Sate at 11:00.

The second team arrived at 11:10 to successfully bring turnover Rp76.000. The third and last team to arrive at 12:40 and bring revenue of USD 112,000. after our three teams gathered in the Gasibu Field rest, some praying midday and there are some have a lunch. At 15:00 we rushed home from Gedung Sate riding public transportation to the terminal Leuwi long. 17:30 we arrived at the Terminal Leuwi Panjang and continue to use the bus department Kampung Rambutan. 19:40 we arrived at the Terminal Kampung Rambutan and proceed with metromini until arriving at Warung Buncit. 20.30 we arrived at the campus safely. Total turnover that we managed to collect Rp 410,000. Because used for additional transportation fees back Rp 224,000 to net turnover we can take is Rp 186,000 ..

    Although our group could not reach a turnover target of Rp 3,000,000, but the experience we gained during the two days there to survive, maintain compactness, solid to all members of the group, learn to read the opportunities, mental training. it is all the more valuable to us.

    A few piece of the story of us the student of UmarUsman business campus. Hope it is useful. Final word Wasallamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh ...

Success Greeting from us to all of you

Umar 1

Created by: Sangga Brillian
Edited & Posted by: M. Ogie Anjasmara
